Branding The city of Karmiel
Great City for Young Adults: To Rise & To Raise
Emphasize & Work Model:
Variety of logistic solutions and services offered by the city to support working parents; Career development services; Career centers catering the unique needs of women.
The Credo:
Young adults between the ages of 30 to 40 is probably the most important group in today's society, People who contribute to our national/ local economy while raising the new generation. We believe that an investment in this age group will benefit our society enormously.
The Mission:
Developing city services and structures to fulfill the needs and requirements of young adults and thus attracting migration to our city. Becoming a leader and a model city for young adults
Some of Karmiel Upcoming projects:
1. Carrer development center
2. Remote business center
3. Job centers carpooling services
4. Time Bank
5. The Carpooling Scheme
Coming soon: An Innovative Child Care Center>
Karmiel's Look and feel